BBS Toolkit
BBS Toolkit.iso
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Text File
369 lines
for the
IBM Personal Computer
John Krytus
246 Gardner Avenue
Northwood, Ohio 43619
Voice (419) 691-9700
Data (419) 691-1125
December 1992
Thank you for using USERCHEK. PLEASE NOTE USERCHEK is NOT public domaine
software. It Is Shareware. To use program constitutes agreement to
register this software. If you do not use this software please pass it
on for others to use. IN UNMODIFIED FORM. If you use it, YOU MUST
This product is provided "As Is" with no warranty, either expressed or
implied. All risk when running this product is with you.
1.0 Program Description
This file will take control of your bbs and callback users to
verify they are who they say they are. Userchek is strictly
written for RBBS. It uses whatever user interface files that
are provided by rbbs.
2.0 Required files
You must have a batch file that you are running your RBBS from.
The purpose of the files are as follows:
1. Userchek.exe Main EXE program.
2. Userchek.doc Documentation for Rbbs sysops.
3. Userchek.bat Batch file to execute when rbbs exists
to your door program.
4. Readme.now Updates as they have occured.
5. Update.new Check this file to see if there are any
special instructions in installing update.
3.0 Setup
Normally, making a userchek subdirectory off of your rbbs
subdirectory is the best way to set up this door. Do this
by typing MD USERCHEK in the rbbs subdirectory. Recommended
directory tree for the program is as follows:
Setting up this door is easy as all you have to do is invoke
the userchek.exe program. You will be asked to enter various
locations for files. There are suggested defaults that you
might want to accept. The following questions will be asked.
To get to this process, it is recommended that to type:
It is recommended that you run in the local mode for the first
time as you will probably get an error when userchek tries to
access your com port. Also, running the door in the LOCAL mode
will give you a chance to see what will be dialed for various
numbers and combinations enterd.
1. Enter the name and location of the dorinfo file.
Normally, the location of this file is the same as the
location of rbbs-pc.exe. Rbbs creates this file when
it goes to a door. If you press return, the default
will be used.
If the Dorinfo file cannot be found, userchek will
create one for you in order to check out local operation.
But ultimately, rbbs makes this file new for each caller.
2. The next question will ask you to enter the name of
door control file rbbs uses to adjust the user's
Normally, this file is named DOUT1.DEF. Userchek
makes this file when returning to rbbs thereby,
adjusting the user's security level.
We have found that if using the long distance verify,
and userchek disconnects the caller, rbbs checks for
carrier before it checks for the doutX.def. I have
asked the authors of Rbbs to change this but as of
yet, have NOT gotten it changed.
3. The next question will ask you if you want your bbs
to be calling long distance. With this version, sysops
can choose whether they want LD or local users connected
after a valid callback.
4. The next question asks what the security level is that
will invoke the door to verify callers. On my system
it is -3-. Enter whatever security level you wish
5. Here, enter the level of security to assign to the
caller should the caller pass the verify callback.
6. Enter the location and filename where a log will be
kept of user verify tries. Hitting enter will accept
the default.
7. This entry of a filename keeps track of the trash
numbers you want to check before your system dials.
8. This file keeps track of the numbers that were
successfully verified. If a users phone number is in
this file, it will not be called again.
9. The is the opportunity for you to enter a string to
be sent to the modem just before the phone number
is dialed. The default is ATM1 which turns the modems
speaker on.
At this point you might not want the speaker on so
enter ATM0, which turns the speaker off. Having no
effect cause it's off already.
If you run a hi-speed modem and it supports error checking,
you might want to disable that part of your modems pre-
connect modem to modem negotiation sequence. Use the
sequence atm1&m0. The m1 sets the speaker condition,
whether on or off. The &m0 turns off the mnp error
connect sequence. If you do not turn off this error
control, when the caller is called back, a plash of garbage
characters will be seen at the remote end.
10. You are asked here for the path/filename for the file
to post area codes that require special dialing options.
There are many areas of the country that are doing crazy
things in terms of dialing. Hopefully, this addition to
userchek will encompass these problems.
11. This question enables the exclusive callback feature of
userchek. When this function is enabled, userchek will
only callback the prefixes listed in the data file.
12. Enter the name here for the exclusive callback prefix file.
4.0 Running the Doorware program
After completing the setup as stated above insure that items
#107 and #108 are completed.
Item #107 requests the name and location of the file to be invoked
by rbbs when the verification takes place. Be sure to type in the
entire drive PATH and FILENAME with EXTENSION.
ie. c:\rbbs\userchek.bat
| | | |
| | | |_ File Extension
| | |
| | |_ Filename
| |
| |_ Path
|_ Drive
Item #108 requests the security level to watch for to invoke the
verify program.
Userchek is invoked by the running of the batch file userchek.bat
by rbbs. Typical userchek batch file would be as follows:
NOTE: You must not invoke a watchdog program to check for carrier
as this will reboot your machine during the callback process.
echo Please Standby....... > com1
cd userchek
userchek 1
Line#1 of this file will send a message to the caller to please
standby. Change the comm port if applicable.
Line #2 points to the userchek directory to run the userchek
Line#3 invokes the userchek program for the specific node.
Line #4 get us back to the rbbs subdirectory to give control back
to rbbs.
You can run Userchek and NOT have it check for carrier by using
the word LOCAL on the command line when starting it up. During
normal operation, the word local is not used.
You can provide caller security checking in the form of lower, equal,
and more than required for callback. When rbbs passes control to
userchek for callback, the userchek.def file has the newusers
security level to be verified. If the callers security level is
lower than callback level, the caller must not have done something
you wanted him to. On my board, the caller must fill out the
newuser questionnaire. If the caller comes to userchek with the
proper security level, he is passed to the callback program to be
verified. If the callers security level is more than the newuser
callback level, you must now want the caller verified and they will
be passed back to rbbs with the higher security level.
5.0 Installation Summary:
I had to change my old user's security level to something less
than 9 so that rbbs would run them thru the callback door. This
might be the most time consuming part of this project.
1. Caller logs on BBS. If security level is below level set for
verification, rbbs asks users if they want to register. If
they do, rbbs asks them to do newuser questionnaire. After
questionairre, rbbs exits rbbs to the userchek program.
2. After userchek takes over, it gives users the necessary inform-
ation in order to complete the registration callback.
3. The callback routine generates a random 5 digit number. The
caller is asked to write this number down and remember it. Then
the users screen is erased and they are asked to key in the 5
digit number in again. If successful up to this point, the
callback door disconnects the user and attemplts to call back.
4. If the connection is established, the callback routine asks the
user to enter the 5 digit number. If the numbers match, the
callback routine gives control back to rbbs and the users sec
level is raised to the level specified in the program init
6.0 Registration
When you $25.00 to register your copy of userchek, I will give you
a registered version of the program. The registered version will
display your name when it comes up and it will also write verified
users to the file called verified.dat. What has been working for me
is that I will make your updated version available on my bbs. I have
been trying to get the registered versions distributed by uploading
them to the registered users board. But this is getting out of hand.
Also, there is no fee for updating a registered copy so your paying the
LD call sounds fair to me.
I have been pretty good about helping sysops get userchek running with
bbs messaging and voice phone calls.
7.0 Help
I have a 24 hour bbs online. If you have comments or questions
give me a call. The bbs now supports 14.4k Dual Standard calls.
8.0 Multi-user Operation
In order to run this door multiuser, one must set up a usrchk?.def
for each node to be accessed by userchek.
For Instance, node 1's def file would be usrchk1.def and node 2's
def file would be usrchk2.def.
Specify the dorinfo1 or dorinfo2 file as appropriate.
8.0 Desqview support
There has been requests for userchek to behave better when used in
the Desqview environment. Well, I have done just that by way of
an option that can be used on the command line when invoking the
program. Typical usage would be as follow:
C:\>Userchek 1 DV
The above command line would ask userchek to use com port 1 and also
display information so that Desqview could redirect it.
9.0 Variation in Ld dialing
Some local phone companies have started using area codes without
dialing a '1'. ie. Washington DC, using 202, 301, 703. If you
are in 202 and want ot dial a number in 703 area, you need to dial
the 703 also. Userchek now provides a very powerful data file to
select dialing options.
Ld code file format
***-***-**** * * ****
| | | Dialing Prefix
| | Ld flag
| Dial Format
Phone Number entered by user
Dial Format
1 - Dial [pre] [suffix] - Stay connected
2 - Dial 1 - [pre] [suffix] - Stay connected
3 - Dial [ac] [pre] [suffix] - Stay connected
4 - Dial 1 - [ac] [pre] [suffix] - Stay connected
5 - Dial [pre] [suffix] - disconnect
6 - Dial 1 - [pre] [suffix] - disconnect
7 - Dial [ac] [pre] [suffix] - disconnect
8 - Dial 1 - [ac] [pre] [suffix] - disconnect
When userchek initially establishes the Ldcode.dat file, it creates
file with two entries in it as follows.
The first entry addresses the long distance calls. It will use
the 4th dial format for any long distance calls. Course if you
don't want LD calls, Answer 'N' to the LD question when making
the usrchk?.def file.
The second entry deals with local calls are their dial format.
The 'X' in the phone number means 'don't know the number and
don't care what it is'.
Specialized dialing instructions can now be checked in the local
mode as userchek displays the number and whether it is to stay
connected or disconnected when dialed.
10.0 Exclusive Dialing
This feature handles the bbs sysop that can dial long distance
7 digit number sequences without a '1'. There are so many dial
options here that I decided to provide a data file that will
restrict dialing to just the prefixes in this file. Hope it helps!
11.0 Color
Was able to ge the ega and vga color working. Ansi also works if
the caller has chosen the graphics selection in rbbs. If you want
to disable the local color, invoke userchek with /b on the command
12.0 Future Plans
I am currently working on a version to use a fossil driver. Should
be done by Christmas 1992.